Soil preparation and planting
Soil preparation tools
Aluminium Handle, coated, Ergoline - Gardena 22.95 € -
Bulb Planter - Gardena 12.50 € -
Digging fork with Novagrip handle - Leborgne 49.95 € -
Digging fork with wooden handle - Leborgne 41.50 € -
Edged spade with Novagrip handle - Leborgne 35.50 € -
Edged spade with wooden handle - Leborgne 28.50 € -
Garden Hoes Combisystem - Gardena 14.95 € -
Hand Fork - Gardena 6.90 € -
Hand Trowel - Gardena 6.75 € -
Hoe fork with blade and fork - Leborgne 28.50 € -
Hoe fork with blade and pick - Leborgne 27.95 € -
Hoe with wooden handle - Leborgne 21.75 € -
Planter - Gardena 10.90 € -
Rake Combisystem - Gardena 17.75 € -
Soil Auger 10 cm - Fiskars 17.90 € - 57.95 € -
Soil Auger 15 cm - Fiskars 17.90 € - 62.50 € -
Soil Auger 20 cm - Fiskars 17.90 € - 66.95 € -
Soil decompactor - Biogrif 5 prongs - Leborgne 104.95 € -
Soil decompactor - Rotogrif 4 prongs - Leborgne 49.95 €