Whether it is a giant or one that hardly takes up any space, we love trees because they last a lifetime. They are worth it because of their leaves, flowers, fruits, bark or shape as well as many other things. Each tree has its own story and personality. But it also has some weaknesses just like all giants !
Before planting...
Firstly, check that the surroundings are favourable for a tree and not likely to cause problems: no underground pipes, no foundations or concrete bases nearby etc. Some trees have quite powerful roots. The bigger a tree is the more place in will take up underground! Also check that the tree will not create unwelcome shade. If it looses its leaves then it will give shade in summer, which is very welcome in the sunnier regions. However, if it does not loose its leaves (like most conifers) then in winter, it will create a shadow equal to ten times its height: so make sure that your house will not be deprived of sunshine in winter !
Another important thing to consider is how best to show the tree off. Do you want it as a lone specimen in the middle of the lawn or mixed in with other plants growing around its base? If this is the case then choose plants that will not compete with the tree … but that will also still be able to grow around the base, as the tree gets bigger. Some trees such as the chestnut and walnut have an area of soil around their base that is so poor that practically no plant can grow there. If this is your case, try flowers such as the Epimedium or Naples Cyclamen. Some trees such as apple trees are very happy to have a little company around their base and it is easy to integrate them with flower borders.
At planting time
Dig the soil deeply where you intend to plant the tree and remove any rocks or large stones that you find. Break up the ground to at least a depth of 60cm, using a pickaxe if the soil is compacted. It is a physical job that in the long term will guarantee the tree’s good development. If the soil is rocky and this is not done, then the tree will stop growing, as its roots cannot get down deep enough. Do not forget to use some stout stakes to support the tree against the wind in all regions of the country.
Looking after them
Once installed trees do not need any further care. It is only if a problem arises that you need to intervene: if they get too big then prune them if the species can tolerate it. A severe lopping of branches in most cases disfigures the tree for life or condemns it to a much shorter life. A tree must be pruned when young if you want to limit its growth. If a branch breaks then cut it cleanly 10 cm below the break. However, do regularly inspect the bark. If it is splitting, bleeding or weeping discharge then there is a problem. Diagnosing the cause is not easy but also be aware that saving a tree is also very difficult...