• Details
  • The ground-covering plants are the gardener’s best friends. Easy to look after and to plant, discover their advantages.

    Select the variety best adapted to your garden and stop wasting time weeding or taking care of empty or hard to reach areas.

    The roles of ground-covering plants:
    - stop the spreading of weeds
    - Maintain, support, cover banks / hard to reach areas
    - Replace turf or lawn
    - Prevent soil erosion and diminish evaporation
    - Reinforce plants diversity

    Ground cover plants

    Advice for ground-covering plantings:
    - Before planting: clean the area by removing all weeds
    - Prepare the ground: loosen the soil clods and bring in compost if the ground is poor
    - Do the planting and be aware of each plant’s plantation density, to cover the area and allow a good development for each variety
    - Water after planting and keep an eye on the humidity during the following months

    Once they are deep-rooted, the ground-covering plants offer a dense and rich vegetated space, which resists weather variations and needs a little or no care: the plants which develop the most could be pruned if needed.

    Combining a convenient and decorating role with the maintaining of the soils and the diversity of the species, the ground-covering plants are the best solution if you want to cover one part or the whole of your garden: flowerbeds, banks, low walls, terrace borders, plot borders, passing lanes, rough terrains, etc.

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