Geographical origins: Mediterranea area, Greece, California
Adult sizes: Height between 2 and 5 m
Foliage: Deciduous
Type of soil: Any loamy, well-drained soils
Climate: Hardy to -14°C
Site: Full sun
Propagation mode: grafting on Vitis vinifera
Properties and uses:
This Vine will produce big black, sweet and juicy, seedless grapes, ready to be harvested in summer, until late November. This variety is self-fertilizing, and hardy to winter cold.
Description of the fruit:
Large, oval and compact grapes with big, purplish-black fruits, which flesh is sweet and firm.
Our advice:
This Vine can be planted all year round, and should be pruned in early Winter, to get rid of the shoots which bore fruits during the season. Don't hesitate to cut off some leaves during the summer, to encourage the fruit production.
Several varieties exist:
- 'Attiki seedless': originating from Greece, long bunches, abundant harvest in summer, preventive treatment against Mildew and Oidium recommended.
- 'Autumn royal': originally from California, large clusters, abundant harvest at the end of summer, quite resistant.
Plant them now: the shortest way to your plate is through your garden!