
Strawberry Guava / Psidium guajava fresa

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    Buy: Strawberry Guava

  • 69.50 € Strawberry Guava 'Fresa' (Psidium guajava fresa)
    8336K - Unavailable Photo available
    Pot Size: 6 litres pot – Height of plant: 90/110 cm.
  • Photos (5) : Strawberry Guava

    Strawberry Guava
    Strawberry Guava
    Plant grown in 6 liters pot
    Author: Planfor
    © Copyright

    Description : Strawberry Guava

  • Area of origin: Tropical America
    Adult dimensions: Height up to 10m
    Foliage: Evergreen
    Soil type: Rich and well-drained
    Hardiness: Hardy to -3°C
    Exposure: Full sun

    Properties and uses:
    The Guava is a tropical fruit tree which mainly grows in South America. The famous Guava fruit becomes ripe in summer. The skin is generally green, and the inner pink flesh is sweet and tasty, reminding of both peach and strawberry. The Guava tree is not demanding, but appreciates heat and humidity, mainly in summer. The soil must be well-drained to avoid rotting the roots. The white flowers also appreciate the full sun. The adult tree can tolerate frost but only for short periods. In the regions with cold winters, it is recommended to plant the Guava in a pot and to place it in a conservatory. For milder regions, it is possible to plant it in open ground.

    Plant them now: the shortest way to your plate is through your garden!
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