Spring container 'Spring Blue Majesty' / Spring Blue Majesty
61.00 € Geotextile Pot – 25 litres - Colour Slate - Bacsac
7649K - Unavailable -
54.80 € Plant Kit for Spring container 'Spring Blue Majesty'
7649J - Available -
Decorate your balcony, your windows and your terrace with style thanks to our seasonal window-boxes!
Ready in only a few minutes, these floral compositions will bring in cheerfulness and colour instantaneously!
Our green designers have created a superb new floral composition! The New Zealand Flax towers like a king above the Azaleas' red flowers and the white flowers of the Pieris Japonica. The Ferns at the forefront bring in a hazy effect which contrasts with the Flax’ ultra-graphical' leaves. To highlight this combination of colours, our green designers have played with contrast right to the end in choosing a slate-blue geotextile pot.
• Discover in 1 minute the different essential steps of the window-box realisation, click here to view our video!
The creation 'Spring Blue Majesty' consists of :
- 1 x New Zealand Flax 'Jester'
- 1 x Japanese Pieris 'Forest Flame'
- 2 x Azalea 'Hino Crimson'
- 2 x Maidenhair spleenwort fern
It is presented in the Slate Geotextile Pot 25L from Bacsac ® which has a 32cm diameter and a height of 32cm. - Video : Spring container 'Spring Blue Majesty'