Rose 'St. Swithun' / Rosa St. Swithun
19.95 € Rose St. Swithun® (Auswith)
0207L - Unavailable -
18.50 € Rose St. Swithun® (Auswith)
0207M - Unavailable -
0207A - Available -
Breeder: David Austin.
Blossom: Continual flowering.
Flower diameter: Approximately 8 cm.
Fragrance: Strong.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 2,5 metres.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Rich and free draining.
Climate: Very hardy.
Site: Partial shade.
Planting spacing: Every 1 to 2 m.
Properties and uses:
The soft pink flowers are neatly formed in the shape of a flat rosette filled with petals, with a small button eye in the centre. The flowers tend to turn towards us on the branch, just as we would wish in a climbing rose.
The growth is tall and vigorous, with a plentiful coverage of foliage. The greyish-green leaves are large, smooth and highly disease-resistant.
This rose is quite superb when trained as a climber - in fact it is one of the best of all climbers - but it may also be grown as a tall shrub.
'St. Swithun'® flowers freely, repeats very quickly and is particularly tough, and reliable.
There is a strong pure myrrh fragrance, typical of the English Roses.