Rose 'Roald Dahl' / Rosa Roald Dahl
18.50 € Rose 'Roald Dahl'
8257J - Unavailable -
8257A - Available -
Breeder: David Austin, 2016
Blossom: Continual flowering.
Flower diameter: 7 cm.
Fragrance: Strong.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 1.20 m, width up to 1 metre.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Rich and free draining.
Climate: Very hardy.
Site: Full sun to partial shade.
Planting spacing: Every 1.5 m.
Properties and uses:
The Rose ‘Roald Dahl’® is a recent breeding, an elegant bushy shrub. At the beginning of the summer, it is spangled with big double flowers, first orange then changing to hues of yellow and cream, they give off a delicate and insistent fragrance. This rose bush gives flowers all summer long and until autumn. These bushes can be planted by twos or threes, and the roses make beautiful bouquets.