Rose 'Hacienda' / Rosa Hacienda
16.95 € Rose 'Hacienda'® Oradal
1174J - Available -
15.50 € Rose 'Hacienda'® Oradal
1174L - Available -
1174A - Available -
Breeder: Orard, 2000.
Blossom: Continual flowering.
Flower diameter: Approximately 9 cm.
Fragrance: Strong.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 1.20 m, width up to 0.80 m.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Any.
Climate: Highly frost resistant.
Site: Full sun.
Planting spacing: Every 60 cm.
Properties and uses:
The Rose 'Hacienda'® is a beautiful Hybrid Tea Rose bush, with a powerful, heady fragrance. It blossoms continually from spring to the first frost. A mat, dark green foliage, enhances its beautiful, large, deep velvety red flowers.
Gold Medal and Prize Perfume, Rome, 1998
Price Perfume, Bagatelle, Geneva, Saverne, Monza, Madrid 1998
Certificate of Merit, Saverne, 1998
International award at the 5th Biennial fragrant rose, Nantes 1999
Rose winning the AJJH 2001