Rose Grootendorst Supreme / Rosa Grootendorst Supreme
5.95 € Rose 'Grootendorst Suprême'
9304J - Unavailable -
9304A - Available -
Breeder: Grootendorst, 1936.
Blossom: Continual flowering.
Flower diameter: Approximately 4 cm.
Fragrance: Light.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 2.5 m, width up to 1.5m.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: All, except too wet.
Climate:Hardy to -15°C.
Site: Semi-shade to full sun.
Planting spacing: Every 1 m.
Properties and uses:
The rosa 'Grootendorst Suprême'® has a magnificent little double red-pink flowers that resemble carnations. The flowering at the beginning of summer and the end of winter is abundant. Mainly used in hedges and flowerbeds it can also be planted in containers for terraces and balconies.