Rose 'Gertrude Jekyll' / Rosa Gertrude Jekyll
17.50 € Rose Gertrude Jekyll® (Ausbord)
0203M - Unavailable -
0203A - Available -
Breeder: David Austin, 1986.
Blossom: Continual flowering.
Flower diameter: Approximately 10 cm.
Fragrance: Strong.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 1,50 metres, width up to 1 metres.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Rich and free draining.
Climate: Very hardy.
Site: Partial shade.
Planting spacing: Every 80 cm.
Properties and uses:
The flowers of the rose 'Gertrude Jekyll'® start as perfect little scrolled buds and soon open into the most beautiful, large, rosette-shaped flowers of rich glowing pink. The growth is upright and vigorous and in every way reliable.
The most outstanding characteristic of this lovely rose is its beautiful and perfectly-balanced Old Rose scent. This is often described as being the quintessential old rose fragrance.
The foliage and growth are similar to that of a Portland Rose, with the typical Portland widely-spaced leaflets. It forms a medium sized shrub which is robust and free flowering.
'Gertrude Jekyll'® was a famous garden designer, who has had a profound effect on the style of English gardens of the present day.