Rose 'Bolchoi' / Rosa Bolchoi
16.50 € Rose 'Bolchoï®' Meizuzes
1163K - Unavailable -
14.95 € Rose 'Bolchoï®' Meizuzes
1163L - Unavailable -
1163A - Available -
Breeder: Meilland, 1997.
Blossom: Continual flowering.
Flower diameter: 8 cm.
Fragrance: Strong.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 1 m, width up to 0.70 m.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Rich and well drained, neutral to acid.
Climate: Extremely frost hardy.
Site: Full sun.
Planting spacing: 60 cm between each plant.
Properties and uses:
The Garden rose 'Bolchoï'® is single-handedly an explosion of colors! Its golden yellow flowers, lined with gooseberry-red top a dense, beautiful, matt dark green foliage. They give off a strong fragrance of May rose. This disease resistant Garden rose will blossom continually from May right through to the first frosts.
This rose can be planted in a border or flowerbed, next to a path. Its flowers are also excellent as cut flowers, displayed in a vase.
gold medal Rome 1996
gold medal and Price of the perfume Le Roeulx 1996