Rhododendron white, Phyllis Korn / Rhododendron Phyllis Korn
11.95 € Rhododendron 'Phyllis Korn'
1818K - Unavailable -
10.45 € Rhododendron 'Phyllis Korn'
1818Q - Unavailable -
9.95 € Rhododendron 'Phyllis Korn'
1818M - Unavailable -
9.95 € Rhododendron 'Phyllis Korn'
1818R - Unavailable -
8.95 € Rhododendron 'Phyllis Korn'
1818S - Unavailable -
1818A - Available -
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 2 m, width up to 2 m (6,6').
Foliage: Evergreen.
Soil Type: Dislikes lime and ground that is too wet. Mix in compost to avoid ground that is too compact.
Hardiness: Hardy. Tolerant to -26°C.
Exposure: Semi-shade to full sun.
Properties and uses:
Very beautiful white flowers in spring. In isolation or in a flowerbed it is spectacular in any garden.