Dwarf variety, with excellent yield and disease resistant.
The plant can scramble up to 60 cm and give long large pods.
The green pea seeds are big and sweet-flavoured.
Harvest when the peas are fully formed, and the pods are getting yellow.
Type of soil: Rich, light and moist.
Sowing time: From February to May.
Harvest time: From May to August.
Site: Partial shade to full sun.
Sow directly in the ground:
- Make furrows that are 50cm apart and sow a seed every 2 to 3cm.
- You could also sow them in little groups of 5 to 6 seeds that are spaced 50cm apart.
- Cover lightly with soil and water copiously.
- Keep the soil moist but not overly wet until the flowers appear, then water more regularly once the pods begin to form.
- You can stake any plants that grow rapidly. This allows you to install a net to protect the crop from being eaten by the birds.
- Harvest the pods as required once the peas are a good size and nice and green.