Gardenia jasminoides, Cape jasmine / Gardenia jasminoides
10.50 € Gardenia jasminoides, Cape jasmine
5722L - Available -
9.95 € Gardenia jasminoides, Cape jasmine
5722M - Available -
Recommended temperature: 10 to 24°C, the best is around 17-18°C.
Hygrometry: Humid atmosphere.
Soil: Acidic, well drained.
Site: Full light.
Geographical origins: Asia.
Properties and uses:
The gardenia is a magnificent indoor plant which can flower from May through to October in the right conditions.
It has abundant white flowers that give off the scent of jasmine.
Looking after advice: Grow your gardenia next to a window but not in direct sunlight.
- To keep it humid place the pot in a saucer filled with clay marbles that are kept wet.
- Water it regularly, as soon as the surface of the soil becomes dry and feed it using a fertiliser for acid loving plants every fortnight during the spring and summer.
- Re-potting it every two years into a slightly larger pot will help it properly develop.
- Finally cut back the stems after flowering to give it a rounded compact form.
• See the Jasmine catalogue