Forsythia, Pink Korean / Abeliophyllum distichum Roseum
12.50 € Pink Korean Forsythia (Abeliophyllum distichum Roseum)
7713P - Available -
7713A - Available -
Geographical origin: Eastern Asia
Adult size: Height up to 2m, spread up to 1.5m
Foliage: Deciduous
Type of soil: Any
Climate: Hardy up to -20°C
Site: Partial shade to full sun
Properties and uses:
The Pink Forsythia or Korean Forsythia looks very much like its cousin the Forsythia intermedia. Its early blossom starts the garden awakening with its melliferous, pale pink, star-shaped flowers which fragrance is reminiscent of almond. Tey appear on the still bare wood.
The foliage of the Pink Forsythia is green in summer and takes magnificent orangey-red tints in the autumn. The Pink Forsythia is perfect grown in flowering hedges, flowering beds or on its own in the garden