Croton Excellente + White Cachepot
Recommended temperature: 19 to 21°C.
Hygrometry: Humid.
Soil: Rich and free draining.
Site: Bright light.
Geographical origins: Pacific Islands.
Properties and uses:
The Croton has striking variegated foliage, which goes from green to purple, going through yellow and pink shades.
Unique, it brightens up indoor spaces.
Easy to look after and with a rapid growth the Croton has definitely only advantages!
Looking after advice:
- Water your Croton regularly and moderately.
- Do not hesitate to spray water onto its foliage if the air becomes too dry.
- Give it fertilizer every 8 to 15 days.
- Ensure that the soil is moist during the growing period (spring, summer).
- The rest of the year let the soil dry out before watering.
- With its rapid growth, an annual re-potting is necessary, in the spring.
- It withstands pruning but be careful as the sap that runs out is toxic. A tip is to spray tepid water onto the branches that have just been cut, to accelerate healing.