Geographical origin: Japan, Korea.
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 9m in length.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Rich, humid. Dislikes calcareous soil (limy or chalky).
Climate: Hardy up to -20°C.
Site: Partial shade to full sun.
Characteristics and uses:
The Japanese Hydrangea Vine 'Rose Sensation'® is a climber from the Hydrangea family. Its heart-shaped foliage, dark green with silver beneath takes on yellow to red tints in the autumn. It blossoms in June-July. Its panicles are constituted of greeny-white, small flowers with at their base, large, pink sepals.
Choose a shady site, with moist soil. You can also grow it in a container, on a terrace or a balcony.