Cherimoya / Annona cherimola
69.50 € Cherimoya (Annona cherimola)
8268K - Available -
59.50 € Cherimoya (Annona cherimola)
8268L - Available -
8268A - Available -
Area of origin: the Andes Mountains
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 6 m
Foliage: Deciduous
Soil Type: Rich and well-drained
Hardiness: Hardy to – 5°C.
Exposure: Full sun.
Properties and uses:
The Cherimoya – also spelled Chirimoya or Chirimuya – is a subtropical fruit tree, from South America; it is also found in Central America, Peru, Chile, as well as in Africa and Asia. The Cherimoya fruit has a green skin and sweet white flesh, slightly acid with a taste of pineapple and vanilla; it also contains inedible black glossy seeds.
The fruit is also rich in vitamins, fibres and in mineral elements; it is found on the stalls of producers all around the world, but mainly in Israel, Spain, and Italy. It grows well in full ground under our latitude, around the Mediterranean Sea. However, in other regions, it is best to grow it in pots and keep it inside when the weather is cold and during frost, at least when it is still young. Once full grown, the tree can tolerate short periods of frost.
The tree gives fruits after 4 years and requires long periods of heat and the intervention of man to pollinate the female flowers with the male ones.