Blue Bean Shrub, Dead Man's Fingers / Decaisnea fargesii
64.50 € Blue Bean Shrub, Blue Sausage Fruit, Dead Man's Fingers (Decaisnea fargesii)
7788Q - 1 item in stock -
7788A - Available -
Area of origin: West of China
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 5 m, width up to 4 m.
Foliage: Deciduous
Soil Type: Rich, moist but well-drained
Hardiness: Hardy to -15°C.
Exposure: Part shade or full sun when planted in moist soil
Properties and uses:
The Blue Bean Shrub or blue sausage Fruit or dead man's fingers is an unusual bushy shrub with long stems which are bare up to their two thirds. The rest of the stems bears large green leaves, which are tinged with yellow in autumn.
In June-July, it produces long dropping sprays of creamy yellow flowers. In autumn, they are followed by grapes of big blue bean-like fruits.
The fruits white juicy gelatinous pulp, which is edible, ranges from bland to sweet, and its taste reminds that of the watermelon or the banana.
The Blue Bean Shrub thrives in forest borders, sheltered from cold winds or late frost.
Plant them now: the shortest way to your plate is through your garden!