Bamboo Sino. tootsik Albovariegata / Sinobambusa tootsik Albovariegata
19.50 € Bamboo Sinobambusa tootsik 'Albovariegata'
9386J - Unavailable -
17.95 € Bamboo Sinobambusa tootsik 'Albovariegata'
9386K - Unavailable -
9386A - Available -
Geographic Origin: Originates from Japan.
Adult size: 3 to 6 m. in height.
Cane diameter: approximately 1 cm.
Foliage: Evergreen.
Type of soil: Moist and deep. Does not like excessive chalk.
Exposure: Sun.
Hardiness: -10°C.
Root development: Runner root system (spreading variety).
Properties and uses:
The canes of this bamboo are an olive green colour. It has shaft like variegated leaves. It has a compact form.
It is advisable to grow this bamboo in a pot or planter, unless you live in a temperate region.
It is also known as: sinobambusa tootsik "Suzukonarihira". -