Anthurium pink Antracite Cachepot
Recommended temperature: 18 to 21°C.
Hygrometry: Humid atmosphere.
Site: Full light, protected from direct sunrays.
Geographical origins: The humid tropical forests of Central and south America.
Properties and uses:
The Anthurium is an easy plant to grow and appreciated indoor.
It is also known for its air cleaning properties as it has the ability to absorb ammoniac and xylene.
The Anthurium has beautiful shiny green foliage and produces pink flowers.
Looking after advice:
The Anthurium needs humidity.
- Place under its pot a saucer filled with clay marbles, which need to stay constantly humid.
- Do not hesitate to spray water on its foliage if the air becomes too dry.
- Ideally, place it behind a fully south exposed window, avoiding direct sunrays.
- Water with moderation, letting the surface of the soil becomes dry between two watering.
- In spring and summer, feed it with some liquid fertilizer for green plants, every fortnight.
- Expect and foresee to repot annually, in the spring, in a slighter bigger pot. After a few years, a surfacing could replace one every other repoting.